
FIFA.com - The FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking

Last Updated 02 Feb 2011
Next Release 09 Mar 2011
Feb 11
+/- Ranking
Jan 11
+/- Pts
Jan 11
1Spain Spain18870Equal0
2Netherlands Netherlands17230Equal0
3Germany Germany14850Equal0
4Brazil Brazil14460Equal0
5Argentina Argentina13670Equal29
6England England11950Equal0
7Uruguay Uruguay11520Equal0
8Portugal Portugal10900Equal0
9Croatia Croatia10750Equal0
10Greece Greece10161Up0
11Norway Norway9951Up0
12Russia Russia9821Up0
13Italy Italy9651Up0
14Chile Chile9471Up-3
15Ghana Ghana9401Up16
16Slovenia Slovenia8971Up0
17Japan Japan88212Up106
18USA USA8690Equal2
19France France867-1Down0
20Slovakia Slovakia8540Equal0
21Australia Australia8475Up51
22Switzerland Switzerland8410Equal0
23Serbia Serbia8370Equal0
24Paraguay Paraguay8320Equal0
25Montenegro Montenegro8240Equal0
26Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire813-5Down-32
27Mexico Mexico8030Equal8
28Denmark Denmark8020Equal12
29Sweden Sweden7594Up47
30Czech Republic Czech Republic7510Equal0
31Turkey Turkey7410Equal0
32Korea Republic Korea Republic7357Up86
33Egypt Egypt709-23Down-327
34Ukraine Ukraine7020Equal0
35Republic of Ireland Republic of Ireland6810Equal0
36Belarus Belarus6551Up-5
37Hungary Hungary6324Up0
38Northern Ireland Northern Ireland6155Up0
39Honduras Honduras61317Up82
40Nigeria Nigeria604-8Down-126
41Burkina Faso Burkina Faso5981Up-21
42Bosnia-Herzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina5833Up1
43Cameroon Cameroon582-5Down-68
44Iran Iran57121Up80
45Austria Austria5691Up0
46Guinea Guinea5640Equal-5
47South Africa South Africa5624Up12
48Costa Rica Costa Rica56021Up93
48Tunisia Tunisia560-4Down-32
50Colombia Colombia558-2Down0

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